On April 25, 2024, students from the VE firm 45North in Alpena were among 29 Michigan schools and career centers asked to participate in the 2024 CTE Showcase at the state Capitol. The CTE Showcase is a day at the Michigan Capitol when CTE students, educators and administrators come to Lansing to “show and tell” what CTE is all about. Selected CTE programs set up displays in the Capitol corridors to share with legislators and guests all of the educational successes that stem from participation in CTE programs.

Aili Lee, CEO and Michigan Student Ambassador, Juan Meno, VP of Sales, Griffin Tolan, VP of Finance, and Madison Snyder, VP of Human Resources represented the CTE program Marketing by setting up a display that gave the feel of a trade show booth, by pitching their firm and the VE program, and by sharing how being a part of a CTE program is preparing them for successful futures in the Michigan workforce. Joined by their facilitator, Melissa Timmreck and VE Midwest Regional Director, Wendy Schmitt, the 45North student employees did an excellent job serving as advocates for VE with many visitors, including Dr. Michele Harmala, Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Brian Pyles, State Director of CTE, and Education Consultants Celena Mills and Tom Knight, all from the Michigan Department of Education.